
Object Handling



An array of objects is embedded in the script area of this page as:

export const embeddedArray = [
    { title: 'Object 1', descr: 'Description 1', },
    { title: 'Object 2', descr: 'Description 2', },
    { title: 'Object 3', descr: 'Description 3', },


It can be rendered using the v-for = "object in embeddedrray" conditional


Title: Object 1, Description 1 Title: Object 2, Description 2 Title: Object 3, Description 3

From External File

Sample Object Array

Sample array of objects in $SAMPLE_DATA/sampleObjectArray.ts:
export const sampleObjectArray = [
        title: 'Object 1', 
        description: 'Description 1',
        title: 'Object 2', 
        description: 'Description 2',

Retrieve Object Array

  • Title: Object 1 Description: Description 1
  • Title: Object 2 Description: Description 2

Render All Array Contents

Route: Object 1

  "title": "Object 1",
  "description": "Description 1"

Route: Object 2

  "title": "Object 2",
  "description": "Description 2"

Complex Object Array

Data Source

The 'complexObject' and its sub-objects, and TypeScript Interfaces, are all defined in '$SAMPLE_DATA/sampleArrays.ts':


Interfaces structure data to make it type-safe.


The DataComplexDataObject component renders each object as a simple card. Union types string | NamedTag and conditional rendering, are usec to handle variation of data type in a single property.

The Cards

Object 1

This is the first object.

  • Tag A
  • Tag B
  • Tag C

Object 2

This is the second object.

  • Tag D
  • Tag E


Copyright @ 2024 Anne Brown