Passing Objects in Nuxt
// composables/useSharedState.ts
export const useSharedState = () => useState('sharedObject', () => ({
// Initial obj props
Use in any component requiring access to the shared object:
<script setup>
const sharedObject = useSharedState()
<script setup>
const sharedObject = useSharedState()
function updateObject() {
sharedObject.value = { ...sharedObject.value, newProperty: 'New Value' }
<ChildComponent :props="props" @method="signUp"/>
<script setup>
const props = {
fields: [
header: "Register a new account",
button: [
text: "Sign Up",
color: "green-500",
function signUp(email) {
In the child component (ChildComponent.vue):
<script setup>
const { props } = defineProps(['props']);
Child component:
<script setup>
const emit = defineEmits(['method']);
function sendDataToParent(data) {
emit('method', data);
The child component can now call sendDataToParent with the data it wants to send to the parent.
Parent component can receive data in the method it passed to the child:
<script setup>
function signUp(email) {