External Source Config
Configure nuxt.config.ts
for a GitHub public repo:
content: {
documentDriven: true,
// Ignore "Number Dot" ordering in /content
ignores: ['^\\.', '^-', '^[0-5]\\d*\\.'],
sources: {
github: {
prefix: '/docs-pub', // Route prefix for remote contents
driver: 'github', // Unstorage driver
repo: "annebrown/content-data",
branch: "main",
dir: "content", // Dir in external repo where contents are located.
NOTE: Once a client app has accessed a GitHub repo
, the repo name in thesources:
, a relationship is made between teh client and GitHub, which no longer necessitates must not be changed. Whensource, supports changing the repo name and still keeping wh API endpoint of
To reduce traffic and improve DX, clone and maintain the external source locally on devy host.
Config nuxt.config.ts
to access the locally cloned content repo:
local: {
prefix: '/docs-pub-local', // Prefix for routes
driver: 'fs',
base: resolve(__dirname, '/$PATH_TO_CLONED_REPO/content'),
This allows for viewing modifications to the content, without waiting for the published app to re-deploy and rebuild it's /content. As well, this reduces hosting costs as pricing is based on BW, serverless function execution, and build minutes.
Copyright @ 2025 Anne Brown